by Max Barry

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Region: The East Pacific

Mays austrian nation wrote:How are they able to overcome the regional authorities? I don't see how a couple of puppets could over take this huge of a region.

They take mostly small regions, and they target regions that have no founders, because then the WAD has full powers. They do sometimes take bigger regions, but that's only done by huge military organizations like Lily or The Black Hawks, with occasional assistance from other militaries like The East Pacific Sovereign Army. For regions this big, people rely on Coup d'états instead of full on raids, because no one can field an army that big. In these coups, they gain the trust of the region and get endorsed by a bunch of people there usually infiltrating the government as some sort of Guardian or even the Delegate, and with a few friends that have done the same they hold the region. It is possible to counter this by doing campaigns like that of A Slanted Black Stripe and Daanistan during the 2008 Empire Coup or Marrabuk during the October 2019 Fedele Coup, but these are most likely done by the rightful government or else it is easy to fail.

Kavanos and Mays austrian nation
