by Max Barry

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Region: The Democratic Republic


With another four cases of the virus Spanish health officials tell Franco to keep soldiers ‘over there’, in Africa. The virus originally struck in November last year but now has risen up again as Spanish troops resume their African crusade. The virus is like the flu and most affected feel it like a bad cold. Even though symptoms are rather mild the virus, named: AEV-21 also attacks your immune system leaving you open to attack from other health problems.

AEV-21 cases originally reached 1,000 in November but fell when Spanish troops left the assault to fight back against Canada. The recorded death toll for the virus was 3 but a further 150 soldiers diagnosed with AEV-21 died from other causes when their immune systems were damaged. The original plan was for a vaccine to be formulated. While tests for this continue members of an independent lab are working on using it as a threat. Releasing a strain of the virus at enemy capital cities. While this is off the books Franco still thinks of it as marvellous, but his chief advisor believes it may cause the ISUCN to place an economic shutdown.

While overnight another 15 cases were confirmed Franco got ready to visit the facility researching a vaccine, then travel to the independent lab to check on the chemical weapon being developed there. The vaccine facility informed Franco of a due date 12-16 months away. Angered he continued to the independent lab and was more satisfied with a 6-10 month due date for the weapon. When Franco returned to Madrid he found a letter containing the resignation of his chief advisor, along with a note.

Supreme Chancellor Franco, i apologise for my resignation but i felt it necessary. I worry the ICUSN will strike out at us if we continue with this research. Please consider shutting it down.
~chief advisor, Liteo Beroco…

Franco swore under his breath before turning to his chief of private investigation. “Find him and when you do, bring-him-too-me! Go!” He then burned the letter in his fireplace and settled into a posh leather armchair. He checked his mail and found a letter from his general in charge of the 3rd army: my troops are ready for the next stage of attack. As soon as supply lines are up-and-running I will send them to blitz the south east. ~ general, mitecho. Franco sighed before writing a response.

The new(and at the same time, technically not new) president of Malacca-Singapore, Joshua Tan hears of this news and decides to speak out about it, he read out his speech while in The Astana, "Citizens of Malacca-Singapore, and Earth, I would like to take time to talk about the newly-incumbent Supreme Chancellor of Spain's actions, he has recently conducted biological warfare against its enemies, more accurately, its enemies' citizens, not only is this action inhumane as these citizens are in NO way directly involved in the War Effort against Spain, nor are they a potential threat to Spain as a nation, these women and men, seniors and children are innocent, no government should ever attack the people. Spain is also conducting said biological warfare with a virus which little is known about, this is highly reckless of the Spanish Government as this quote-unquote experiments can cause a surge of cases that can go out of hand extremely quickly, we've seen how using viruses in this way is harmful, a prime example of this is the Memoavirus pandemic, President Halimah Yacob used the memoavirus against the Siamese soldiers, this attack caused an epidemic in Southeast Asia and in other regions of the world which is yet to be contained, now, you must realise that these were only directed at the soldiers, could you imagine the possible chaos that might ensue from attacking capital cities, with hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of people living in?

I would like to end my speech on this note; Malacca-Singapore officially condemns Spain for their inhumane and reckless actions. and mark my words, Chancellor Franco, The ICUSN may not have developed any international law against biological warfare on civilians, but rest assured the next you attempt anything of this calibre, the Security Council will be on your doorstep, investigating your nation you love so dearly. This Joshua Tan of Malacca-Singapore, signing out."

El haluf
