by Max Barry

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Region: Cape of Good Hope


"Democracy. An accepted and idealistic path." The Holy Emperor says on his first speech after his return from the Azulakan islands. "My people, I miss the glorious empires from back in the day. It seems that this so called 'September agreement' threatens our empire. Though fascism may be a darker path, these people will come for us next. I propose an alliance to oppose these 'saviours', and to stop them from ridding the world of our glory. Glory to the empire, Glory to the cape! To all nations out there, we must stand strong! Down with democracy, glory to us! Comrades, join the fight, and show these fools the light! To our light! Glory to the empire!" He says, leaving the stage for his daughter to perform her latest piece. (Princess Aneli is a renowned Deuschmailtist pianist. It might help that all of her gigs are state funded.)

Edit: I'm not sure where I was going with this one, just wanted to let out the creative fluids and see what I could come up with. I believe i'm proposing a pact against the September Agreement to bring back what the Holy Emperor believes to be glory? Anyway, have a great time lads!

