by Max Barry

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Region: Tennessee

CrossVegas wrote:While it certainly would be easier on us, we don't know what kept them from logging in to research, or being here for the battle. . . . <snip>

Franklin and Andrew-Jackson have been MIA since Z-Day1. The same can be said for our resident Mod although he did RAC a few years ago. I thanked him which may have been a mistake since he's never done it again.

Thomas Ellis wrote:Inactive players are not really the issue. It is those that counter what the region wants to do. If the region decides to research cure and a player or two (more would be better) were to fire cure missiles, that is normally all that is needed. Some trouble maker would mess that all up by killing/promoting zombies. Those are the ones that need to be given the boot. Having a password in place would be required if those that can boot bad players cannot watch the borders. Problem is, there is no cure for dead.

I prevent that from happening each year when I place my own password on the region several days in advance. We never have dead because CrossVegas gets here and keeps up a steady fire of cure missiles for the first couple of hours alone until backups arrive. I feel it's pretty tedious for him when some nations don't even login and so their infection numbers sky rocket. If all of us, or even 70% of us, RAC, the numbers go down and it's easier.
