by Max Barry

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Region: The League

Outside the Centraleplatz, Schoefengen:

The Prime Minister adresses the audience:

I am here today to first and foremost, address the matter of New Illyricum. They have breached the Pretoria Palace Accords, and in doing so, have thrown away any already majorly depleted trust I personally had in them being able to recognise and do the right thing for their people. Under Article 3 of the Accords it states:

'In the interest of ensuring long-term regional stability, New Illyricum shall undertake substantial political reforms. These reforms include the introduction of universal suffrage and the organization of a democratic election, to be observed by the New Illyrian Political Freedom Assurance Committee (Subarticle 2) within the next six months from the signing of this agreement. The goal of these reforms is to establish a democratic system of governance that reflects the will of the people.'

That paragraph is what New Illyricum is supposed to have done. That paragraph is what we now need to hold them responsible for. The NIPFAC group concluded that the results had been majorly tampered with, something that directly contradicts the 'democratic system of governance' that is supposed to be in place. Therefore, until New Illyricum has had a second set of elections with confirmation from NIPFAC that they are unbiased with no alterations to the results, Abersiania will:

* Break any diplomatic or economic ties established with New Illyricum since the end of the Aberso-Illyrian War

* Withdraw from any commitments made under Articles 1,3,4 and 5 of the Pretoria Palace Accords

We urge New Illyricum to do the right thing not only to resolve these tensions, but for the sake of the wider population of the nation. Another set of elections should be held, under a higher level of scrutiny by NIPFAC to ensure a truely democratic regime is established.

We also urge NIPFAC and its member nations, and partly ACES as a whole to recognise the seriousness of the situation, and are underwhelmed by the response so far. ACES as a concept is the upholding of a democratic world, and when it is being undermined this close to the majority of member nations, after a treaty has been made, we believe that the response should be much more severe, and with greater authority, which the current team has failed to provide.

Thank you for your time.
