by Max Barry

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Region: Marxist Scholars Circle

Veronica the red

Marxist Scholar Vanguard wrote:Comrade Ming has suggested the current chapter selection be shortened to the first chapter and the duration reduced to 3 days. She brought up the point that some might lose interest if the goal was too generalized and the time duration too nonspecific. I agree with her in this, so I have shorted the goal to Chapter One: "The State a Product of the Irreconcilability of Class Antagonisms" and the duration edited to an allotted time of 3 days.

That was a good sized chapter - if we could keep reading to this amount every three days everyone should be able to find the time to be able to take part and keep up. It's only 10-15 minutes every three days comrades and I think you'll find a difference in your education in a month's time - which will fly by.

My life is busy, sometimes I can only 'check' Nationstates for security of my regions - but it's not hard to find 15 minutes in 3 days - even those of us with really busy schedules should be able to keep this commitment.
