by Max Barry

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Region: Northern Utopia

Feng dynasty Imperial Palace

It seemed to be a normal day at the palace servants and guards walked around, nobles and government members interacted with each other. That's when right outside the main doors of the palace a man all of a sudden came down and hanged, causing many to scream out. Hanging there was the Captain of the Imperial Guard, a noose around his neck and a bottle of Fengese alcohol was attached to his hand in a firm grip, a bloody smile was cut into his mouth as he stared down at everyone with dead eyes. Above him they saw a man in whit with a red undershirt, a shadow seemed to cover his face but some could make out a massive smile on his face, he jumped away and disappeared before any guards could fallow or anyone to call out.

The Smiling Man had struck again, and it was right into the Heart of the Feng Dynasty.

Imperial korintheya, East lismore, Feng dynasty, and Of denmarkia
