by Max Barry

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Region: the West Pacific

Today In The West

Good morning/afternoon/night West Pacificans!

I would like to say thank you to Fuentana for giving me the opportunity to let me do TITW this week and I would like to thank Bran Astor(whom you should totally endorse if you haven't already) and the Guardians for maintaining the amazing community we have here in the West Pacific. If you haven't guessed based on this statement, today is Thank you Thursday, show your thankfulness for people or things today and maybe you might make someone's day with your thanks!

Do you know what I am really craving today? A nice brisket or a juicy hamburger for today is national Brisket or Hamburger Day! While yesterday was focused on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we all deserve a cheat day here and there so if you feel like treating yourself today, try to have a brisket or a burger today, it is ok if you don't though!

As mentioned a bit earlier, for those who haven't already, endorse Bran Astor to help us try to reach our goal of 1k in May in these last few days of May! By endorsing the delegate, you support the community and the TWP leadership!

No Today in History I'm afraid but here is a question members of the community can discuss and share: What is something that you have experienced in your life that you are the most thankful for?

That is all from me today, have a fantastic day in the West Pacific!

Bhang Bhang Duc, Fujai, The Holy Principality of Saint Mark, Fuentana, and 8 othersNovasamita, The unified missourtama states, Surroosia, Ostellan, Rikanhimel, Bobki, Desirania, and Torkiuistan
