by Max Barry

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Region: The North Pacific

Handling the Deflation Spiral:
"Townsvalley's budget deficit is now standing at 37Trillion Hektes is in reality, down 10T from 47T, But At the same time reducinf Tax from 50% to just historic low of 4% has caused prices to decrease every six years deflation is 48-60% ,Townsvalley had used it's reserved 1,000 trillion Hektee to cope up with the deficit for almost 100+ years, but that money is slowly running out, after 32 years , the reserve amount will be only 300T, This is worrying major investors, The deflation spiral has already caused many companies to file for bankruptcy. And further damage can cause the currency to crash again for the 3rd time. Prime Minister Has announced new measures to stop the country from going back to what it was 300 Years ago.
"We have announced new policies to handle the deflation Spiral.
First is that we are going to take loans from our banks ,print more money and provide aid to the affected companies.
Secondly, At the same time we will sell our gold amounting to 100,000kg and 80000kg of silver and about 1 Million acres of land gradually to keep the economy stable.
And finally: this will give us about 57.34 Trillion in just three months and in total span of 50 years It'll provide us 457.98T Hektes. We can never raise taxes, Look at our people today. Free and prosperous. Average 76,000 Hektes Income is highest ever in history, consumer choices are alot!, we can never take the freedom,Never! We'll go through this time and increase our budget ,our deficit is already down by 10T. And It'll go Down! Thank you very much."
