by Max Barry

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Region: The North Pacific

Foulkes island wrote:No what, you're right, I should've said something else... this is why nobody takes YOU seriously because you're a dumb self-righteous white girl that's probably from the United States, drinks Starbucks while fighting for the proletariat meanwhile driving around in daddy's Mercedes, while purposefully and blissfully not learning how to take a joke (such as the GypsyCrusader joke) because you don't understand how humour (outside of knock knock jokes) works, like Christ, I just wanna punch you in the face for how ignorant you are, but I can't since well, I live in a different country, specifically the one north of the border.

Slurs and being against ethno states so funny I'm dying of laughter bahahahaha so funny 😐

Anyways are you jealous of my lifestyle or something because I give no crap about who's joke you find funny. Why tf are you blaming your loss of the argument implicitly on a joke.

Also yes I love daddy's mercedes and living close to the Starbucks HQ 🥰😌🛍️
