by Max Barry

Latest Forum Topics


Governor: The Light at the End of UIJ

WA Delegate (non-executive): The Holy Lucky Gold Christmas of Wobbegong (elected )

Founder: The Light at the End of UIJ

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Most World Assembly Endorsements: 438th Most Valuable International Artwork: 642nd Most Cultured: 939th+34
Most Beautiful Environments: 1,030th Best Weather: 1,145th Smartest Citizens: 1,179th Most Devout: 1,200th Most Scientifically Advanced: 1,226th Lowest Crime Rates: 1,233rd Largest Information Technology Sector: 1,295th Most Eco-Friendly Governments: 1,307th Most Advanced Public Transport: 1,316th Most Nations: 1,324th Largest Black Market: 1,444th Most Advanced Public Education: 1,507th Most Extensive Public Healthcare: 1,511th Highest Poor Incomes: 1,524th Largest Governments: 1,537th Nudest: 1,573rd Most Advanced Defense Forces: 1,726th Healthiest Citizens: 1,848th Largest Welfare Programs: 1,873rd Highest Food Quality: 1,932nd Most Advanced Law Enforcement: 2,068th Most Inclusive: 2,069th Largest Publishing Industry: 2,100th Highest Average Incomes: 2,114th Most Popular Tourist Destinations: 2,231st Highest Foreign Aid Spending: 2,240th Largest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 2,300th Highest Economic Output: 2,423rd Most Influential: 2,456th Most Subsidized Industry: 2,521st Most Patriotic: 2,781st Most Corrupt Governments: 2,904th Nicest Citizens: 2,926th Longest Average Lifespans: 2,955th
World Factbook Entry

Welcome to the United Islands of the Atlantic (UIA)

UIA is an old RP community now almost entirely active on our Discord. We do not hold elections, aren’t politically motivated, don’t participate in raiding/defending or the WA, and all our regional RPs are on Discord.

You may feel free to join our ‘lil region, just ask to join our exclusive 18+ only Discord. (absolutely no NSFW we just hate children)


Raiders not welcome for any reason, thankies!!!

  1. 15

    UIA Rules *Updated for 2022*

    BulletinPolicy by UIJ . 1,356 reads.

Embassies: Elfydd, Council of Constructed Languages, Turkic Union, Standardly Uniformed Shenanigans, Valentine Day, Regionless, The LCRUA, The Strategic and Economic Alliance, Nationalist Commonwealth of Free Regions, GOOD BOIs, Free Market Federation, Order of the Southern North, Empire of Andrew, The Atheist Empire, The Bar on the corner of every region, Singapore, and 13 others.Minnesota, Guinea Kiribati, Allied Nations Treaty Organization, Pacific Western Alliance, The Kibble Kingdom, The Embassy 3, Mitteleuropa, Cypress Cove, Astares Covenant, Angvaria, Kommuland, The Embassy 1, and the maggot pit.

Tags: Anime, Casual, Cyberpunk, F7er, FT: FTL, FT: FTLi, FT: STL, Fantasy Tech, Featured, Future Tech, Independent, Magical, and 15 others.Medium, Modern Tech, Multi-Species, Neutral, Offsite Chat, Offsite Forums, Outer Space, Past Tech, Post Apocalyptic, Post-Modern Tech, Role Player, Silly, Snarky, Social, and Steampunk.

The United Islands of the Atlantic contains 17 nations, the 1,324th most in the world.

Today's World Census Report

The Largest Black Market in The United Islands of the Atlantic

World Census agents tracked "off the books" deals and handshake agreements in order to study the size of nations' informal economies.

As a region, The United Islands of the Atlantic is ranked 1,444th in the world for Largest Black Market.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Free Commonwealth of Sky ReaversCivil Rights Lovefest“Freedom, debauchery and firepower!”
2.The Greater Fae Riche of ElflandCorrupt Dictatorship“To the stars, to the silver scars that mark the Night”
3.The Light at the End of UIJLibertarian Police State“Rage Against The Dying of The Light”
4.The Empire of XartonIron Fist Consumerists“You Shall Obey”
5.The Based and Missilepilled of UIS LeviathanIron Fist Consumerists“Son, are you telling me a shrimp fried this rice?”
6.The Matriarchy of Sceilig MhichilPsychotic Dictatorship“Turning and turning in the widening gyre”
7.The Empire of Visari TechnocracyDemocratic Socialists“V i r t u a l T r a n s c e n d e n c e”
8.The Algerstonian Loyalist of HISPIDAAnarchy“Algers lived! Algers lives! Algers will live!”
9.The Constitutional Theocracy of Holy Federation of StarsCivil Rights Lovefest“We shall march through the storm, Jesus by our side.”
10.The Lost Island of ThakiaInoffensive Centrist Democracy“Before time itself”

Regional Happenings


The United Islands of the Atlantic Regional Message Board

The Greater Gothic Empire wrote:After three years, now is the time that the Realm of Eternal Night has awoken from her long sleep...

yeah many people are saying this

The Greater Gothic Empire wrote:After three years, now is the time that the Realm of Eternal Night has awoken from her long sleep, and her people await the coming of the Unconcealable Monarch, whom seers of old have prophesied to lead a tremendous army bearing black banners of war beneath the Black Goat Moon. Come, my riders, we have work to do. Night is upon us!

Big if true

Thakia wrote:yeah many people are saying this

Elfland wrote:Big if true

Of course, it seems big and obvious that I brought this nation back to existence. I already had my stuff almost deleted to make way for thr new.

Khoronzon wrote:hiiiii mommies

The gays are invading

Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to everyone! Big or small celebrations, wishing you all a good one and hey, take care of yourselves too. ♥

Khoronzon wrote:大家圣诞节快乐!!!!!


supremely joyous capitalist holiday mein friends
what did your family units give you to consume???

UIJ wrote:supremely joyous capitalist holiday mein friends
what did your family units give you to consume???

On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me
A restraining order of 400 feet

Wishing you all a good year ahead. ♥ Take care of yourself out there as well.

Me, I guess the greatest gift I can get from 2025 so far is the ability to recover from a throat infection!

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