by Max Barry

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Maps of the World

RegionMapAuthorship NationMap Weight
EuropeFlagThe Constitutional Monarchy of Regnum Italiae18,066
The Western IslesFlagThe Blue Islands of Corindia17,376
EuropeFlagThe Potatocracy of Potatopelago16,148
Commonwealth of LibertyFlagThe Alpine Republic of Cascadla15,732
10000 IslandsFlagThe Protectorate of Paffnia14,806
The Union of Democratic StatesFlagThe Commonwealth of Caerin9,660
SpiritusFlagThe Frostbound Realm of Icy Wind9,348
The North PacificFlagYauco8,975
Lands EndFlagThe Peafowl Conglomerate of Peacockastan8,433
EuropeFlagThe Yin and Yang of New Eestiball7,918
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